High School Services


The guidance staff is an integral part of all aspects of student life and remains the primary point of contact. If you have a question, a concern, or are in need of assistance, please reach out to your guidance counselor directly.

A Message from the School-Based Mental Health Team

The COVID-19 pandemic challenges our school community with an unprecedented situation. Our teachers and administrators have quickly collaborated to plan for online, remote learning for our students. Students will continue their work, and much more importantly, they will continue their connection to their teachers. Maintaining the consistency of teacher-student contact is, we believe, a critical component of our response as a school district. This is not only for continuity of learning, but to continue the valued staff-student relationships that make our district a special place to learn.

We are employing the same approach to school-based mental health and counseling services. Despite the many disruptions in our day-to-day lives and increased uncertainties about the course of this virus, we are committed to doing our best in addressing the mental-health related dimensions of this health crisis. And, although public health guidance is rapidly changing – what we can rely on to remain a constant is our responsibility to care for one another and keep each other safe. We will continue to provide resources, suggestions, and information that will help our community maximize resilience and emotional well-being at this important time.

Our goal is to maintain, when and where we can, consistency in counselor-student contact during the school closure. Ridgewood High School employs a student life team consisting of administrators, grade advisors, guidance counselors, child study team members, and crisis intervention counselors who interact frequently with students in order to provide needed psycho-social support. Some students are seen regularly, while others are seen on an as-needed basis. All students, in all grade levels, have access to trusted adults while they are at school, and this should not change during this time. We will continue to be here for you. Our student life team will make every effort to collaborate and cohesively work together as we respond to the various clinical needs of our students and families that may arise in the days and weeks moving forward. Just as ALL students are encouraged to visit one of our offices during the school day, they will be able to reach out for help or assistance electronically via email.

If you have a question about school-based mental health, please contact:


Our school-based mental health clinicians are a part of the student life team and work collaboratively with student support staff at each grade level. At the high school, you are encouraged to access your guidance counselor, case manager, or grade advisor (GA) directly, as they are the first line of defense when addressing social-emotional student issues.

Our clinical staff, at times, is needed to assist students who are in crisis. If you or someone you know is experiencing emotional difficulty or is in need of immediate attention, please seek the support of a parent, caregiver, or trusted adult. Alternatively, you may also contact Ms. DePinto or Mr. Feeley for an initial assessment and referral for further evaluation.

When these crisis situations involve suicidal ideation or behavior, we follow a specific plan to ensure the student’s safety and link the student and family to supportive assessment and intervention in the community. If your child is expressing suicidal thoughts, please call 911, or immediately contact your physician, or call 201-262-4357 (201-262-HELP